my 2 days of MC

>> Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monday 2am. I suddenly woke up feeling a terrible stomach ache (aduh). The whole family has been having stomach aches and it was weird that I didn't get it.

"Perut Dora kebal kot". Tu la cakap besar lagi. Amek kau..

That had resulted in me getting 2 days of MC from Dr. Murali from Klinic Rakyat SS 3. Although Monday morning I really wanted to go to work (terbayangkan muka budak2 yang excited nak ambik quiz. I promised to give them quiz on Monday) I had my working attire on even my hijab skali dah ambil kunci kereta dah. It was 8am and if I drive, I'll reach there at 9am at least but there's a big possibility that I might feel like vomitting and going to the toilet every now and then..

"But I promised I'd give them a quiz today. Takpe la I'll drive to Btg Berjuntai kot.."

"Which is more important? Quiz or ur health?" my dad's statement left me thinking for half a minute and made me crawl back to bed feeling all sick and painful. See, when I am sick, I am really really sick. Tahap dewa.

So I received a lot of phone calls and text msgs from people who wanted to see me and looking around for me. Suddenly I felt important when the Deputy Dean called me (a rare occassion).

Today I feel a lot better. At least I can get out from my bed and walk around the house and blog too sikit sikit. Of course I still feel loya and nak muntah and everything else. But not as bad as yesterday. The call from House left me feeling nauseous again after giving me a task that I still wonder at this moment, "why me?"

So, lesson learned : Where I work, being vocal and extrovert is NOT necessarily a good thing.


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