my reason for being TOTALLY not myself at this moment

>> Thursday, February 19, 2009

MONDAY :: *MC [class canceled]

TUESDAY ::*MC [class canceled]

:: Morning - Briefing for 2 hours [class canceled, tapi buat quiz 45 minutes]
:: Afternoon - Briefing for 1 hour [class canceled, tapi buat quiz 45 minutes]

:: Morning - Class ok, alhamdulillah. harini students baik2
:: Afternoon - Class NOT OK. Cikgu kecik hati pada student lagi :(

FRIDAY :: *MEETING dan MEETING lagi (in Shah Alam). Suddenly Shah Alam is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better than Btg Berjuntai.
Reason : HOUSE, MQA, HOUSE & MQA, people and JUST HOUSE.

At this moment, I am serabut (meja office), kusut (rambut), kelam kabut (if you can see me, you'd know how). I'm trying so hard not to lose my patience, my mind, my cool and (meminjam ayat cikyah sebentar) my mojo. I talked to my ex-boss and she believes that I can pull everything off (somehow it's comforting to know that), "you kan memang selalu macam tu .. bising tu kejap jer.. lepas tu u mesti cakap.. lek lek.. I can do this.. at last ok nyer.. " kata - katanya itu selalu membuatku tersenyum... she still remembers how i used to say it with the hand gestures and all "lek lek.. don't worry.. no problem". Yup, that was me then kot. sekarang kan dah garang.. hehe..

Early of this year, I mentioned in one of my posts. So little time, so many things to do.. I wish I hadn't said that.. cause it's becoming to materialize.....

Ya, Allah.. I need time.. Give me abit more time...

Agenda : Laze around on my hard earned queen sized bed either finishing off Alek Wek autobiography or watch Weeds till Saturday morning.
Reason : Cause this time, I deserve it.. yeah!
(wah, what a productive week)
Soon, this will be over..

Note : House disini bukanlah bermaksud rumah.. of course, rumahku syurgaku.. House di sini merujuk kepada cerita House MD


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