my night cruise

>> Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Almost everyday now, after coming back from work and having my bath, I would take one of my twin nephews for a little night cruise, either Fahim or Farhan depending on who's turn to stay in PJ (they're twins and take turns staying with their Opah i.e my mom, every week).

Today I took Farhan. I love the feeling of being fresh after a good mandi manda and driving at night (around 810am) when the roads are less jammed and people are not so kiasu to reach their destinations. I tuned to mixfm cause I like to listen to it at night, their songs are mostly from the 80s or at least soothing to hear. So while passing through Taman Bahagia and almost reaching the junction to my house, Roshan (my favourite DJ in mixfm) played this song by Lenka, an Aussie singer, which happens to be Ugly Betty's promo song. And I thought, hmm.. this is nice.. So I took a turn to another junction so that I can drive a little bit more and listen to the song till it finishes. Farhan, being a smart 2 year old looked puzzled at the fact that I didn't turn into the junction at our house. And when he looked at me turning the volume up, he sorta understood why I didn't that and did the cutest laugh.. hehe..

P/S: I'm soo looking forward to watching Ugly Betty and Desperate Housewives tonite on 8tv. Mujurlah ada 8tv di dalam bilikku~


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