Eid Ul Adha

>> Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Apakah ertinya Pengorbanan ?

Yesterday I watched korban for the first time at my housing area masjid.. It was indeed an experience I will never forget. I brought my two nephews, Ashraf and Farhan to witness korban. And Farhan just hugged my kaki while peeping by the side the whole time, really cute.. and when he saw it on the news about korban, he goes "lembu!lembu!".. smart baby..

What I wanna share is that I feel how shallow my knowledge is about Islam and its histories. I forgot about the korban story and I had to ask my mom to understand the true message conveyed through this whole event.. I also did some search through the internet and I just found out that there are some fatwa saying that korban is wajib for people who mampu.. And I pity myself. I felt pity because here I am spending my $ for myself and I didn't even do korban. Of course I wanted to but at the very last minute, tak sempat. I hope if ada rezeki yang cukup dan umur yang panjang, I would like to do korban one day.. insyaAllah..

Watching people at the masjid gotong royong potong2 daging and helping each other made me realize how strong the ukhwah is among the Muslim society in Kg Tunku. The smile on everybody's faces, how they willingly helped without the hopes of any balasan, but because of keikhlasan.. I felt sorry for myself for not witnessing this is the past Aidiladha before.. I kept on thinking about my own sellfish life, my own schedule, and how I am soo busy to go to the mosque to witness korban but how I can make time to go to Midvalley or The Curve and how I forgot that Aidiladha is a meaningful event, not just a public holiday and staying at home to enjoy another day not going to work. Aidiladha is more than that.. It is pengorbanan seseorang tanpa mengharapkan balasan, korban kerana ikhlas, korban kerana Allah swt... I pity myself.. for I have been oblivion about the beauty of Islam..

So what is the true meaning of korban for you ? Salam Aidiladha to all Muslims around the world.. May this korban be a meaningful event to you as it was to me... :)

Will post some pictures soon..


Muslimah Perth 12:04 PM  

does not going for raya at aunt's house to take care of other's kids because they are working counts?? hehe, happy eid adha.. take care sis

lucky 12:07 PM  

hehe it counts.. u korbankan masa dan tenaga for others who need help :) that is a pengorbanan :) eid adha to u too sis!! take care bebeh

dyanna 10:46 PM  

Korban could also mean sacrificing other stuff other than cows or camels. For the greater good :)

lucky 9:01 AM  

betul cikyah.. and i guess it doesnt mean only during raya haji rite ? betul2.. ur rite :)

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