
>> Friday, December 12, 2008

I can't seem to log in to my YM v9.0 today. After so many attempts, nothing. So I logged into my yahoomail and chatted through the web mail browser thingy. Funnily though, I just realized this, my password used to be ****** till I changed it to *************. Tapi sometimes dia auto log-in right, and the bila disconnect, you have to log in again, and at the username box it'll be lyricaldj and password ******. hmmm.. bukankah my password is ************* ? and even kat office pun, desktop at home and office, mmg akan keluar ****** and everytime I change the password manually and then save it, bila nak log in, it'll appear ******... watsup YM ?

Oh yes, I wanted to write about this. Ever heard someone saying log in as login (loh-jean) instead of log in (logh-in)? Well, I have. My communist ex-boss. wonder where she's working now ?

How about this.. that's mean, instead of that means ? Oh horror!


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