fajar seluas angkasa

>> Thursday, December 18, 2008

Saya slalu lagak tough. Macam takde perasaan sedih.. walaupun pada hakikatnya, Tuhan saje yg tahu.. Tapi kat luar mcm mandom dan relaxed and takde perasaan.. (aksi baca suratkhabar with my legs crossed) Tapi kenapa ? Because once I start to cry, it's hard to stop...

I will usually try my best to hide my feelings yang sedih and usually people cannot detect it unless i tell them.. Kecuali masa tengah having my the time of the month pain, mmg agak obvious la.

Since I am alone in the office (Meg gi buat experiment in Shah Alam, good luck Meg!), I stumbled upon this blog and cried while reading it..

Sgt sedih, menyayat hati and it reminded me of my anak sedara, Arwah Rafiq.. (he would be 2 years old now, birthday dia 28th November..) But Allah loves him more.. and he is in good hands now.. (we miss you..)

I have already linked fajar seluas angkasa under My Blog List so dat you guys can also follow this blog.. Let's pray for baby Amir Yusof (sangat cantik namanya)


R I N I . R A N I 6:55 PM  

sedih sgt...mudah sgt air mata ni keluar bila baca blog nih...

kesian sgt kat baby Amir Yusof.... walaupun still baby tp dah tanggung mcm2 derita &kesakitan...
semoga ibu ayah Amir Yusof sentiasa tabah

As for me, sebesar2 kesyukuran aku panjatkan kpd Allah, krn kurniakan kesihatan & kehidupan yg baik kpd aku sekeluarga. Aku bersyukur sgt2, aku masih boleh peluk, aku boleh cium Batrisyia...Alhamdullilah...

lucky 8:58 AM  

Mmg sedih kan.. especially mase tengok dia dengan wayar2 dgn tiub2.. mmg mengalir air mata la..

Bila tengok mcm tu, rase bersyukur sbb kita sehat alhamdulillah.. ada orang lain yg lagi susah daripada kita dan tak pernah complain..

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