where do you see yourself in 10 years?

>> Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I recently watch Laguna Beach's Season 1 - Episode 9 "The Graduation" sbb tu tulis the previous post. There was this scene when one of the juniors was shooting for their Graduation Video CD so all the senior class had to give a short clip for the CD.

Junior : Ok, Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Senior : Probably married, have kids.. (twirling her hair while chewing gum and swinging her feet in the air looking to the sky, thinking) I'll probably have like a cute lil boutique.. you know.. like.. like.. you know... [cara dumb blonde hehehe]

They were probably like 17.. like you know like .. like.. you know [hehe]

If I shoot a video 10 years ago and ask myself, "where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
I guess my answer would be this:-

"I'll work in a hospital as a doctor and save lives (dulu pernah bercita - cita nak jadi doctor.. didn't we all? hehehe) [menggambarkan diri memakai the doctor's white coat with sneakers], I won't be married yet sbb busy kerja, on calls (masa tu tahu on call jer.. sbb slalu tgk tv and cousins ramai doctors).. I'll drive a green satria (masa tu tak terdedah dgn kereta sgt lagi), eat lunch at McD Masjid Jamek during my lunch break (i actually had this vision.. tp mcm kelakar sbb I do not know any doctors who eat there during lunch? ada tak Soraya? ) fast food senang and have lotsa $ in my bank account sbb tak sempat nak gi shopping or spend the $ ..(eksyen tu hehe) "

I had that vision in my head when I was 17. with the green satria and all.. even the McD bit.. but the vision was not strong enough and since I haven't read The Secret yet masa tu tak keluar lagi, dat's why I didn't become a doctor with the white coat, I do not own a green satria, and I never had lunch at McD during my lunch break. I also don't have lotsa $ in my bank account.. well, not just yet la.. hehehe..

At 27, I drive a coco-silver myvi (which I think is better than a green Satria, no offense yea :p), I eat my bekal from home for lunch (mama's cooking is THE BEST) at any time I want to, I wear office attire instead of the doctor's white coat (if i want to, i can always use our lab coat to feel like a doctor hehehe), I have a huge office room with a nice view, a spacious desk and a really cool desktop, I get free Statistics text books (love it), a fullfilling job alhamdulillah and walaupun i do not have lotsa $ in my bank account but whatever I have would suffice for now :) I do not save lives, but I hope that I contributed something to make someone's life better..

So this is where I am at exactly 10 years after graduating high school (lepas SPM). sometimes it feels like it was only yesterday when i received my sijil from Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Raja Muda Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah.

Marilah kita renung - renungkan and menjawab soalan ni (jawab dalam hati ye.. or if nak beri comment pun dialu-alukan)

1. What have you accomplished after 10 years ?
2. Are you the same old ________ ? (isi nama anda)
3. Did you change and is the change for the better ?
4. Did you become what you hoped you would be after school ?
5. Are you better off this way ?
6. Do you still keep in touch with our bestfriends in school ?
7. Did you ever wish that you were still in high school ?

Here are my answers :

1. A lot actually.. just sometimes I feel there are more that I want to accomplish and I hope I can get the chance to do it..
2. Yes, I am the same old Dora but wiser and more mature, perhaps :)
3. Yes, I did change, and for the better in some context
4. Hm.. susah nak ckp tu.. But I am happy with what I am now :)
5. Yes I am alhamdulillah
6. Most certainly. As if we never left school :) [gurls u rock.. perhatikan ejaan ye, ROCK bukan RAWK heheh]
7. Sometimes yes. But then nanti hujung bulan tak dapat gaji mcmne ? heheh

What are your answers ? Fellow Taiping are most welcome to share.. others too.. jom jom... hehehe

Upcoming post (later2 nnt) juga where do you see yourself in 10 years from now (37) scary thought huh ? hehehehe


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