my 15 minutes call

>> Thursday, March 05, 2009

I had the usual "long distance call after work" with MSO just now. The duration of the call was 15 minutes. 15 minutes to Germany. If only that's the time it takes to get there, people would flock to Europe every day. And it would be jammed just like the roads to KL from Shah Alam at 630am. Going to Batang Berjuntai would be so fast, I'd reach the office before I can even say "batang..... "

If only Alexander Graham Bell was still alive, he'd be shocked to death (ironic huh) to see how technology has evolved so rapidly as we speak, kan Cikyah kan? (gadget gurl) I wonder what's up their sleeves (the engineers) oh wait, I'll ask MSO, he's an engineer and loves gadgets.. I remember the first time we met, he was enthusiastically telling me about this bullet train in Shanghai that uses some magnetic force to travel. I can never forget that kerana pada saat itulah saya mula ada perasaan sedikit padanya.. [ok, stop it dora.. going all goo goo gaa gaa like some drama melayu lakonan Rosyam Nor and Rita Rudaini.. stop it!]

Technology still amazes me. I get freaked out sometimes that as I am speaking, he, who is at 13,000 kms away could respond at that very second. (I sometimes like to think that he's actually in KL and saje konon2 duduk jauh just to mess around with me, gila kan my imagination? and when I tell him this imagination, he'd just shake his head and say something like this, "you're crazy" hehe)

15 minutes call to Germany.



But it's okay.

Cause why?

Today is a special day..


Muslimah Perth 2:11 AM  

special day??? wasup wasup..story mory laa

lucky 8:34 AM  

hehe.. check out the countdown!~

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