my body.. touch my body

>> Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lately, I have been having aches all over my body. I have been feeling fatigue and tired. I told MSO and my room mate about this.

Dora : Badan rasa macam penat2 la.. bukan macam dulu.. lepas kelas bole lagi nak buat apa2.. now lepas kelas terus... flat.. what's up ye ? izzit the age ?

Meg : Perhaps you're tired kot.. It's not physically tired je tau.. Mentally tired jugak..

Dora : (nodding my head with agreement) Perhaps la meg.. perhaps kan..

MSO feels that I need to go for a massage (which I am soo gonna do one day.. if I find the time)

I DO NOT take any supplements. Sorry I just don't believe in it. (Sebenarnya I cannot swallow pills). I know that I should take Vitamin B Complex and some others that I do not bother to remember. (Jahat kan?) But I just.. CAN'T.

So what's left? Pati Ayam Brands with Ginseng which tastes sooo kelat and tak larat nak bau. I stopped taking those for awhile.. and perhaps till it expires. (Jahat2..) No la.. I will start doing something.. Starting tomorrow.. (Why not today?) Cause tomorrow is 1st of April (so what?) I dunno.. I just feel like starting tomorrow.. Hehe..

Hopefully, dengan izin Allah, badan saya akan lebih bertenaga :)

*Open up your heart and be sincere in everything you do*


Muslimah Perth 10:05 AM  

i used to be like you..hehe (jahat2). but tunggula do, when u get pregnant, u WAJIB amik those supplement stuffs, and lepas bersalin, all those pantang stuff are so yucky!! like pati ikan haruan, etc.. the jamu.. good luck to u ;p..i lega dah lepas and not doing it again :).. but i pun slalu penat. i reckon it's the age la dear. someone here told me to take supplements since i'm at THAT age where i should take (rasa mcm tua..toot betul la). anyway, i'm still surveying la. kalau ada supplement worth taking, lemme know..i pun nak amik gak.. by the way, u tak leh lemah2..sebab u dah nak kawin ;p...hehe.. take care

Anonymous 11:24 AM  

supplement mesti ambil dora. Badan kena jaga. Takut tua-tua nanti sakit ajer. Kalau tak boleh ambil vitaman dari ubat, ambil dari sumbernya. Makan limau, pisang, lobak dan seumpamanya.

g jugak bersenam. kalau tak join i layan aikido. hehehe

lucky 4:29 PM  

sheri : not THE AGE FACTOR!! huhuh.. we're not that old la beb.. (COUGH) 18 is ok waaat... hehe.. anyway, it's the first of April.. I still refuse to eat any :p hehe jahat kan ?

syirfan : saya memang makan semua tu, limau, pisang, lobak, kentang, ikan.. cukup 7 kelas yang diperlukan dalam makanan.. that's y i don't see why i need supplements :p hehe hopefully someone can change my mind on this matter hehehe.. bersenam sudah pasti.. just lately ni je jarang.. dulu rajin gi jogging, swimming and volleyball and badminton.. nanti akan start semula :) apakah itu aikido ?

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