my afternoon nap

>> Monday, March 09, 2009

I am not much of an afternoon napper. In a year, I take my afternoon naps like.. less than 5 times (I think). But on Saturday I had a 2 hour nap and again, today, 1.5 hour nap. I guess nak cover the whole week punya stress (meeting, MQA, meeting and MQA, gossip girl, house, coach carter) I came to realize why people love to take their afternoon naps. Especially when it's raining outside and you have your comfortable bed and comforter. Just lay down and Zzzz...

The long weekend is over now. Just like that. Time flies.

Salam MaulidurRasul.


lillix 2:02 PM  

Im not much of an afternoon napper too. sama la kita

lucky 4:56 PM  

Tu la kan.. hehe.. we're lucky!

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