sekali lagi..

>> Thursday, March 05, 2009

Once again, I cried in front of my laptop. Saudara Fajar's blog has touched me so deeply that I wish I could visit his son. I don't know why. I have never met these people, they live continents apart, we could be related (bau bau bacang), neighbours or schoolmates or probably pernah jumpa tepi jalan but I can really relate to his story. I have been following baby Amir Yusuf's condition for almost 3 months now.

Reading his entry today made me realize that how everybody has their own parts. or in BM, bahagian masing - masing. Allah tidak akan berikan seseorang itu sesuatu ujian kalau dia tidak dapat menghadapinya. Baby Amir Yusuf, saudara Fajar and family are strong people to be handling this. Allah believes that they can get through this. And baby Amir Yusuf is lucky to have them as parents.

And suddenly.. teringatkan my nephew arwah Rafiq..

We miss you Rafiq..


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