my wet wednesday

>> Wednesday, March 18, 2009

it was a wet wednesday morning. i woke up the usual 530 and it was pouring rain. i pulled my comfortable comforter but my phone kept on playing Smallville's Somebody Save Me song. (my alarm clock)

however, for some reason, i love wednesdays. the day is less stressful and it's the middle of the week. i was ready to see the Dean today. i've been collecting all my confidence and guts since monday. so as i reached my office room (which looks neater now since i've been marking papers like mad, i am half way through), switched on the aircond and PC, put on some make up and marched to his office.

Dean's PA : dekan tak sampai lagi, kenapa Dora?
me : "eheh.. takpe la Kak.. kejap lagi saya datang"

Sigh. Oh well.

The day was very productive though (since the internet was down at the office). I finished checking the first test of one group and they did quite well. I am happy and satisfied with their performance. One student scored full mark! When I handed to him his paper, he looked so happy and everybody cheered for him. To see my student being happy for his achievement, for me, the feeling is simply remarkable. They've worked hard for it and I always like to put comments like "Excellent!" or "Good!" or "keep it up!". Some also get comments like "SEE ME!" or "REDO YOUR WORK!". hehe..

After class, some students consulted with me on SPSS programming for their Thesis and half way through I realized my tone of voice was actually very loud.

me : lepas you buat factor analysis, you dah reducekan dia punya....(tunggu student sambungkan ayat, it's a teacher/lecturer thing).......
student : (sambungkan ayat) items..
me : yes, items.. paham dah ? (pause) kuat sangat ke suara saya? sorry la, lupa nak adjust volume, saya baru lepas lecture tadi
student : ehehehe eh takpe takpe.. kuat pun kuat la.. asalkan kami paham miss :)

Later on, I managed to catch my dean and finally got the chance to talk to him.

Dean : ye Dora. you nak jumpa i ye? Macam serius je..
me : sebenarnya Dr................

Alhamdulillah it went well. And I am happy :)


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