kepada yang membaca

>> Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sometimes when a person that has a good heart, a person who is sincere, it shows. He/She does not need to parade his/her deeds.

To the person who has helped me in a way that I am so grateful for.
To the person who doesn't have any idea what she did means a lot to me.
To the person who is sincere and has a good heart.

To that person, (you know who you are and I know you will read this eventually), I am truly grateful. I pray that Allah will buka pintu rezeki untukmu dan keluargamu. I pray that Allah will give you happiness and blessings and protection for you and your family. And I pray that one day insyaAllah, you will have what you wish and pray for everyday..

For I know that you truly have a good and sincere heart. Thank you so much.


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