my manic monday

>> Monday, March 02, 2009

"Tak pergi kerja ke harini?" my dad said to me as he entered my room while I was in the middle of my weird dream (which I do not want to blog about because it was just too freaky).

I opened my eyes in confusion and looked at my motorola razr, 6:18.

"$h|t! ". Yup. I started the day with a bad word. my bad. Its ironic that on Saturday and Sunday morning I was paranoid when I woke up because I didn't want to be late for work.

Today was our first day of MQA visit and I was assigned to take pictures of the event. Since I woke up late, I missed the bus. So I drove to Btg Berjuntai. Left the house at 7:01 and reached office at a solid 8:15. Alhamdulillah.

How much I wish I could write about the visit but I better not. I am not sure if it is P & C. But what I can conclude for today is I had a busy day. And my room mate said to me this, "you look very tired la Dora"

In my heart and outloud I answered, "yes, I am very tired actually.. bukan saja pasal MQA ni tapi macam2 lah.."

In the previous post, I blogged about changes and that I had change the color of my blog, I forgot to mention that I changed the position of my table in the office too, and it looks nice and spacious now. I also decided to change my current handbag because I got bored with the previous one. I do that sometimes when things get crazy and I laugh all by myself for comfort.

It's March already. So fast. I remember counting down the new year just recently on the internet with MSO and also having that Black & White 2007 Affair event.

Well, just felt like blogging since talking needs a lot of energy and at this moment I have very little of those (I am a lecturer, I talk alot).

Right next to me, Fahim (2 years and 6 months) is switching on the computer by himself and singing to Rossa's Ayat - Ayat Cinta almost 8 times already (really smart boy).

Suddenly rasa sayu and diri ini sungguh kecil and kerdil. MasyaAllah, the effects of good movies.


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