my neighbour's scary story

>> Friday, March 20, 2009

Yesterday was a really fun day. I wore a kebaya to work to celebrate the Perasmian of Mentor Mentee Program. I am a Mentor for 8 Mentees who are nice Mathematicians and Statisticians to be :) Real nice and smart kids.. So we had a great time taking pictures and mingling around. Kudos to 16 of the first batch who worked real hard for the event :)

However, things were not at the same level when I reached home. As usual, I would hang around the living room playing with my niece and newphews before taking a hot shower and Maghrib prayers. Suddenly Mama said this, as I stood up to take my shower

Mama : Did you know, the neighbour's maid committed suicide tadi?
Me : (ternganga) HAAAAAAAAAAAAA? nape sekarang baru mama cakap ?? OMG OMG!!!! YE KE???

So my mom spilled me in on the juicy details on how she committed suicide. Later on, my brothers came over and talked about it over the citer hantu at TV3 (haa bagus sangat la tu).

That night, I couldn't sleep :(


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